IAS Function

Make sure that only organizations that are qualified to perform the tasks they accept accreditation from and are free from conflicts of interest.
By ensuring that a certified certificate or validation/verification statement may be trusted upon anywhere in the world, the GIA Global Identification Association (GIA) between Accreditation Body Member signatory lowers risk for businesses and their customers.
Searching for the most efficient means of creating a single system that would enable businesses who have accredited conformity assessment certificates or validation/verification statements in one region of the world to have those certificates or statements recognized in other regions of the world.

removing the requirement that providers of goods or services obtain certification in each nation where they conduct business. Once certified, everywhere is compliant.
promoting accreditation as a powerful tool for boosting consumer confidence in products and services, which is crucial for facilitating international trade.

GIA Advantages

The IAS GIA’s goal is to ensure that signatories to the agreement recognize each other’s certified certification and validation/verification statements. This will lead to the acceptance of these statements in several markets based on a single accreditation.

For the government;
Governments can further build and improve bilateral and multilateral international trade agreements by using the IAS GIA as a reliable and strong framework. The ultimate goal is for authorized conformity assessment, including certificates and validation/verification statements from other nations, to be completely utilized and recognized by both public and private enterprises. The free-trade principle of “accredited once, recognized everywhere” can be achieved in this fashion.

Regulators only;
The IAS GIA serves as a widely recognized “seal of approval” to show compliance with set criteria and specifications. As decisions are based on accurate compliance assessment results, risk is subsequently minimized. The significance of trustworthy accrediting systems that are created in accordance with internationally recognized standards has been acknowledged by many specifiers, including government bodies. The IAS GIA and accreditation provide regulators with a globally recognized mechanism to accept approved certification, validation, and verification, assisting them in fulfilling their own legal obligations.

For Businesses;
Organizations who are buying goods and services have more faith in their consistency of quality because to the IAS GIA. Businesses are able to choose suppliers from a wider range of locations knowing that they will obtain goods and services that adhere to accepted standards.

For Producers;
Manufacturers and service providers can distinguish themselves from less reputable suppliers and get a competitive edge by having items evaluated and certified as according to a specific standard.

One certificate or validation/verification statement can be recognized globally because of the IAS GIA’s guarantee that standards, specifications, and conformity assessment methodologies are uniform. As a result, authorized certification, validation, and verification are less expensive, and there is a decreased chance that goods or services will be turned down by foreign trading partners.

For clients;
Products and services with marks or certificates of conformity might inspire consumer confidence. The IAS GIA makes sure that all products or services put on the market, regardless of their nation of origin, adhere to high standards of quality, safety, or social and environmental responsibility.